Tuesday, June 2, 2009

My Baby This Week -- Your 21 month old

By BabyCenter

21 month old

When your child was a baby, she decided when she would eat, sleep and play. And though it may seem ironic, now that she's older and more independent, it's time for you to take charge of her daily schedule. Toddlers thrive on routine; establishing a set time for eating, getting dressed and going to bed can help yours feel more secure and in control. It will also make your life easier! She'll come to enjoy daily routines if you inject some fun into them. Let her help make lunch every day at noon, for instance, or choose a story to read before her afternoon nap.

How your toddler's growing

Your 21 month old is probably interested in rearranging furniture, assisting with chores, and using her own play shelves, table, and chairs. She might also be able to put on her clothes, wash and dry her hands, or brush her teeth with help. She's also getting closer to being toilet trained. Sometime between the 18th month and second birthday, most toddlers recognise when they are going to urinate or have a bowel movement. You'll probably notice signs that your child is about to go - she might crouch down or move away. Even after she realises what's happening, she isn't necessarily ready to use her potty but she's getting closer to it. If your toddler wakes up whimpering in the middle of the night, try to find out why her sleep is being interrupted. She may even be having a bout of night terrors. Once she has calmed down enough to hear you, you could sing her some old-fashioned lullabies - refresh your memory of the words with our lullaby lyrics.

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