Sunday, August 3, 2008

03082008....Busy Sunday my dear AH GONG's Birthday!!! AH GONG~~~ HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!!! ;D As ah gong dun like to have any celebration or be reminded that is his its seem to be a normal sunday to us...but today i went for 2 party - 1 year old birthday party and 1 month old (full month) party! Lucky both party venues at not that tiring but today weather super hot..... At last i manage to see Chloe, the birthday girl.... she is Omma's online friend, Adeline's daughter... Omma really grateful to her guidance when omma was preggy.....She taught omma on breastfeeding, wat to buy for me, wat to eat, etc...... As for the Full Month Baby Shower..... is Omma's mulitply (online) friend, Fiona's son. WOw!!! Her son hairs really alot!!! So envy...... Well, so far i was super well-behave during the party......... never cry....keep eating bb biscuit and cake...... I AM REALLY A GOOD GIRL!!! ^^


james said...

wow, that 1-month old has so much hair! ji eun, what does chrysanthemum juice(?) taste like?

The Park Family said...

haiz...i also wonder how come i have no hair!!! must be my omma's fault!!! :S
Chrysanthemum tea (not juice) is taste like the chrysanthemum flower.... I also dunno how to describe to you but really a tasty tea!! yummy....
Ajussi, where are you come you never taste this tea before??

james said...

I'm in the U.S.
I hate tea. :(

The Park Family said...

Ajussi.... this kind of tea is diff from those typical tea... ahha